Rustic Diamonds

Characteristics of Rustic Diamonds

Strong and Durable



Naturally Colored

Unusual Color Variety

One-of-a-kind, Rustic, Natural Diamonds

It is important at C/M that our only hand is in harnessing earth’s natural beauty by providing our precious stones with the foundation and environment that best supports them. We believe our high quality diamonds need no alteration, which is precisely the reason we leave them as they are. Each diamond is hand selected for quality, strength and it’s unique visual characteristics. Rustic diamonds are not yet completely appreciated in the jewelry making industry and at one time they were even seen as unusable.

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Rustic Diamonds

Why Are They Called “Rustic” Diamonds?

They are considered “rough” or “rustic” because they lack the clarity and visual consistency of the popular white diamond. It is common practice that many diamonds are treated by way of heat treatment, irradiation, or lasers that erase or fill in natural inclusions in order to give them the appearance of natural clarity. This has been the desire and the practice of the industry for some time. However, all C/M rustic diamonds are completely untreated.

Are They All One-of-a-Kind?

With our rustic diamonds, each is naturally one of a kind. It is because of this nature, that they are unable to be duplicated by man. This is a double-edged sword, as it also makes it difficult to measure them on a typical white diamond scale. We understand that many are unfamiliar with our diamonds, which is why we put our trust only in open-minded experts of the industry who are willing to move with the changing tide that is this new classic.

High-Quality, Carefully Sourced, Individually Selected

Natural Designs

We love to use unique, natural, rustic diamonds and gemstones in our natural stone designs. The beautiful and unusual look of our gems comes from naturally occurring colors and inclusions. These inclusions are largely internal although there are occasionally small inclusions or rough spots on the surface. This is par for the course with rustic gems and we never use a gem that we feel is not up to our standards of beauty and quality. We examine every diamond and gemstone under magnification to ensure that there are no threats to the structure or integrity of the gem.

Always One-of-a-Kind

Each of our rustic diamonds and gemstones are truly one of a kind because of these unique characteristics. Like a fingerprint, a snowflake or the one you love, they can never be duplicated, making them wonderful choices for meaningful engagement rings and gifts for the most special person in your life.

Shop Rustic Diamonds

All of our diamonds and gemstones are natural and untreated and have come out of the earth with the wonderful colors and characteristics you see here. All of our diamonds are ethical and conflict free. This is just as important to us as it is to you!